Guided tour in the Botanical Garden.
Guided tour in the Botanical Garden
We are pleased to invite you to a guided tour in the Botanical Garden.
Summer is close, and during this guided tour you can explore the Botanical Garden. Either you are a garden enthusiat or just a curious person but in any case you will experience something beautiful, and this tour is perfect for you.
Gathering: we will gather at "Södra plan" i.e. the Southern grass field by the Southern entrance.
Costs: 100 kr. If you are older than 65 the cost is 60 kr., and please use the campaign cod SENIOR when you make you payment to have the SENIOR price.
Om evenemanget
Botaniska trädgården, Ö:a Vallgatan 20, 223 61 Lund
Christina [dot] Rengefors [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se